ISVs and Hosting

Connecting ISVs and Developers with Hosting Providers

We help bridge the relationships between independent software vendors and commercial hosting providers, allowing both entities to benefit from the expansion of service and markets.

ISVs offering applications traditionally deployed on PCs and networks are seeking experienced service providers to help them deliver anytime, anywhere access to software solutions while they more fully “enable” their applications for cloud delivery.  Hosting helps ISVs preserve their existing distribution and revenue models, while introducing managed and outsourced IT benefits and subscription pricing models on a controlled basis. Providers offering desktop-as-a-service and hosted application deployments need to constantly add new software solutions and integrations in order to enrich their offerings and increase subscriber consumption of services.

While both parties have a common goal – increased usage and revenues – there is often no clear approach to engaging these two organizations, leaving the customer consumer in the middle.  The host’s subscriber has a need and a demand for access to an application, and the host subsequently demands a high level of technical assistance and mission-critical support from the ISV. Unprepared for the requirement, the ISV relies upon its existing standard for customer service and support and requires registered end-user coordination of the process.

The reality is that many developers are being unreasonably pressured to provide implementation guidance and high-levels of support to entities unknown to them, and hosts are being expected to implement and manage applications without having ready access to high level engineering, developer, or support resources.  It is in the best interests of both parties to find a way to work together to meet the needs of the customer and changing market.

We help make it easier and more profitable for ISVs and hosting providers to work together to reach new markets and increase service offerings, and to craft a consistently high quality customer experience.